
The Many Faces of Gracie 8/26

Here is a picture of my "mad face", "surprised face", and "happy face". I have learned to use my mad face very well.

Playin with my Pops 8/16

I love the water and playing with my Pops is even better. He was showing me a trick. He is so funny. I can't wait until he has my water world ready. We will definitely put pictures up of that it is going to be so cool.

We Wish It Was Fall 8/8

Even though is was 90 degrees outside mommy decided to dress me like it was November or something. I think she is wishing it were fall time. I looked cute either way. :)

Peek A Boo, 8/8

I like to play peek-a-boo. Especially in the car to get mommy and daddy's attention.


Vote for Gracelyn! 8/11

Hey everybody, my mom has entered my picture for a baby calendar contest. I would really appreacite any votes! You can vote for me by going to www.gulfcoastmoms.com/baby I am on page 2, baby number 68. Click vote for this baby and follow the instructions from there. It does cost $1 per vote but it is going for a good cause. Thanks for the support! I will let you know how it turns out. I should know something by the end of September.


Animal Kingdom 7/3

In July Mommy & Daddy had been given a free stay at a condo in Orlando, FL for a little weekend vacation. We were just going to go and hang out and spend the weekend with no work and lots of time with me!! Well Nanna and Poppa decided to give Mommy & Daddy tickets to Animal Kingdom for their 3rd Anniversary so they took me to see all the animals. I love animals. I can make the sounds of almost 20 different animals. I got to see all kinds of animals there, it was amazing. The plan was to go back to the condo for nap time but I was having too much fun. I took a little 35 minute power nap in my stroller and was good as gold for the whole day. I don't know what was my favorite but I really liked the Nemo show and thought that Bugs Life 4D was pretty funny. But I also liked the petting zoo, mommy didn't like it as much as me and daddy she thought it was gross. And the safari ride was pretty cool too. The next day we went to Downtown Disney and lots of fun there too. I can't wait to go back to Disney. I don't know who had more fun me or Mommy & Daddy. Mommy and Daddy are right it is the happiest place on earth! :)

Lakes Park Fountains 6/18

Our church had dinner at the park one Wednesday night and then we all hung out played on the playground and at the water fountain park. It was awesome. I love playing in the water and this place was really cool. There are lots of fountains that spray up from the ground and down from different faucets. It was a blast. I think Pops might make something like this in the backyard.

Day Camp 6/9-13

The theme this year was Boot Camp. Mommy taught my class. She was in charge of all the childcare for the other volunteers. There were about 200 kids here. Pops was the Drill Instructor he was funny. It was a busy week we were at church all day. This year was much more fun than last year, I got to dance and play games and I love the bounce house. Here are a few pics from the week. Don't I look cute in Uncle Micah's hat.

Memorial Day 5/26

Every year for Memorial Day the whole family heads to the beach. We load up a lot of stuff, looks like we may be staying there a few days, and head out pretty early. Pops and g-ma already have our space picked out and marked off with flags. Then we set up and spend the day. I had a new tent to play in and I enjoyed playing in the water. I didn't really like the taste too much and I really don't like getting sand on my hands. Uncle Aaron and Daddy played football with Pops. It was a great day with the fam.

Generations 5/15

Mommy wanted to get some pictures of me, her, gma, and granny before Granny went back to OH. Here is some of the favs. All 4 generations. :) I am so lucky, I have an awesome family.