
Some Baby Bling! 12/7

I finally did it. We got Gracie's ears pierced last night. I had been wanting to but kept going back and forth if I really wanted them or not. Jeremy had said all along he didn't mind if I did it but he just couldn't be there when I did. He can't handle when she cries. Daddy's girl all the way!!! During dinner 3 different people said "he" when talking to HER so that made the decision for me. As soon as we were done eating we went to Claire's and got them pierced. She was a trooper, only cried for a few minutes and was fine by the time we checked out to pay. And now SHE looks so cute with them. I don't know how you could thing she is a boy to begin with. She is too pretty to be a boy!

1 comment:

  1. But she is such a cute little Fellow!!!! Haha love ya aunt dre
