
Yumm Icing! 12/18

We iced the cookies we made. Gracie iced the star that she made and enjoyed eating it too. Bailey ended up helping her finish it. Gracie only had one point of the star and Bailey had the rest. She liked the taste of the icing:) Much better than the dough. She only lasted for a few minutes and only iced her one star cookie but thats okay. The tradition was started and memories were made:)


Making Cookies! 12/17

Monday we went to G-ma's to make Christmas Cookies. She (G-ma) is feeling much better and getting better with each day. Gracie got her own flour and dough to work with. She loved it. Tonight we are going to ice them so I will put more pictures up of that later. She was a little confused with the taste, kinda yucky at first with all the flour on it but very good after a bite and you get to the good part of the dough! She made a star and then just played with the dough and flour on her tray. She made a nice mess and some great memories.


Goin for a ride! 12/8

A little while back Nanna & Poppa (Puckett) got Gracie a buggy to ride behind our bikes. We finally got it all hooked up and Gracie and I went for a ride this morning. I needed a work out and Gracie went along for the ride. She loved her buggy, she slept most of the way home. Now that it is getting nice outside we can go for rides more often.

Visiting Bass Pro with Daddy! 12/7

Last night Gracie got to go to Bass Pro Shops for the first time. That is where she saw Santa too but while we were there Daddy gave her the whole tour. I went and got my nails done while Gracie and Daddy went through every department!! Here are a few of her favoite things at Bass Pro.

Some Baby Bling! 12/7

I finally did it. We got Gracie's ears pierced last night. I had been wanting to but kept going back and forth if I really wanted them or not. Jeremy had said all along he didn't mind if I did it but he just couldn't be there when I did. He can't handle when she cries. Daddy's girl all the way!!! During dinner 3 different people said "he" when talking to HER so that made the decision for me. As soon as we were done eating we went to Claire's and got them pierced. She was a trooper, only cried for a few minutes and was fine by the time we checked out to pay. And now SHE looks so cute with them. I don't know how you could thing she is a boy to begin with. She is too pretty to be a boy!

Ho Ho Ho! 12/7

We went to visit Santa last night. One among many things we did last night. We weren't sure how well she would like Santa but she did good for about 4 minutes then was over him. This was the real Santa too. Look at him! Enjoy! To see more of Pitter-Patter Pictures check the link over on the side bar to the right. Merry Christmas!

My Cubby. 12/5

I always love getting ahold of whatever was on this shelf so now G-ma lets me play in it and even put some Christmas toys in there for me. Now I have gotten big enough to climb in and I love ot hang out in my own little cubby.


Child Prodigy? 12/5

Playing the piano with G-Pops. Not so much a prodigy but enjoys listening to G-Pops play and adding a note here and there. They were playing Christmas music for us.


By the fire. 12/4

It is finally cool enough to enjoy sitting by the fire. G-Pops built a fire last night and we hung out and roasted some marshmallows. Pops is teaching Gracie the basics of roasting here. She loved being all snuggled up by the fire.

Big Blue. 11/25

I had to add this one. Look at those Big Blue Eyes. They can sparkle with a smile or stare a hole right through you. She gets it honest. :)

Sunday Morning. 11/25

Gracie is always dressed in her best for church. This outfit Aunt Katie bought her. It looks like she could be at the horse track! She looks so darn cute don't you think?!

Decorating for Christmas! 11/23

Friday morning Gracie and I went over to help decorate G-Ma's house for Christmas. There was a big staff party planned for Sunday so we had a lot to get done. Gracie was dressed and ready to help. She may have hindered more than helped but we had fun anyway.
Her shirt says" Good Things come in Small Packages!" Isn't that the truth. The best gift ever!!

Happy Thanksgiving! 11/22

Happy Thanksgiving. This is what it looked like around our table Thanksgiving day. We had everyone over to our house; G-Pops, G-Ma, Nanna, Poppa, Great Uncle Bob, Great Aunt Linda, Aunt Katie, Cousins: Chuck, Tara, Riley and Lincoln. It was a great night. We had way too much to eat as usual then the boys played Wii while we all sat around and enjoyed each others company. Gracie had some sweet potatoes and loved them. Aunt Dre & Aaron called us from Honduras on thier cruise and we talked to Uncle Micah that morning. Hope everyone had a great day of being thankful for all we have! Love you all!

Good to be home. 11/19

Gracie was so happy to see us. We went and saw her first thing in the morning, then had to go to work. When I came back after nap time she wasn't wanting to let go. She wanted me to stay, she wasn;t sure what was going on. That evening she helped me get caught up on laundry from the weekend and then feel alseep with Daddy in his big comfy chair.

Day at the races! 11/18

Here is a pic of what Jeremy and I were doing all weekend. At the Nascar Races. We were right above the start finish line for a little bit. Here we are in front of the Championship Celebration. It was a great weekend:)


Gracie's Weekend

This weekend Gracie stayed with G-Ma and G-Pops while Jeremy & I went to Homestead-Miami for the Nascar Races. This was our first time leaving Gracie and we did it for 4 days!!! It was a little tougher than I thought. Gracie had a great weekend. She went for a walk with G-Ma, played with Bailey, hung out with G-Pops watching OSU football, got dressed up for church and watched Nascar on Sunday. It was a big weekend. Jeremy & I had a wonderful weekend, we missed her A LOT but it was nice to be away from the everyday busyness of life. We camped in Key Largo and went to all 3 races for the weekend. Enjoy all the pics from the weekend.


Midpoint Madness Veteran's Day 5K

Saturday, November 10, 7:30AM. G-ma, Aunt Tatie, and myself entered ourselves to run/walk a 5K in honor of Veteran's Day Weekend. Gracie went along for the ride. It was pretty chilly when we started, about 55 degrees. We had to finish 3.1 miles. We started at the top of an overpass went up and over the bridge and back. Gracie went along for the ride snuggled in her stroller, she slept through the whole thing. We finished in 46 minutes. I was very proud of ourselves. Here are some pictures from the morning. We are doing another 5K on Thanksgiving Day, The Turkey Trot. Enjoy the pics! Love to all!


Friday Night Live

Yee-Haw!! One Friday night every other month. FCC puts on a a theme night with live music and dancing. This month was Country Western Night. There was line dancing, horse rides, and cowboy fun. You can see Gracie all dressed up for the evening. Pink cowboy boots and all. This is the second time Gracie has gone line dancing. She got to line dance in Nashville in May at only 6 weeks old. She is pretty good at it now. :) We had a great time and it was acutally cool enough to sit around a fire.


Hanging out with Aunt Dre

Gracie loves to hang out with her Aunt Dre! She can't wait till lunch time everyday when Aunt Dre comes home to see her. In this picture they are hanging out in the rocking chair watching Next Top Model on a Saturday afternoon while mommy and g-ma clean house. In the next picture she is laughing with Aunt Dre. Gracie loves her Aunt Dre very much!!


Happy Halloween!

Welcome to Gracie's Blog. This is my first try at the whole blogging thing so we will see how it goes. I thought this would be a great way to keep everyone updated on Gracie and I am able to do more things on here than I could on the other site. Anyway I know I am going backwards date wise but I couldn't pass up putting a pic of her in her costume on here! She was a perfect Princess!! We went to the FCC Fall Festival, went for a hay ride with Riley and Emma, rode Aunt Dre's horse and hung out by the fire with all our friends and family! Hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I will try to keep this updated more than the other site and keep everyone informed on all that Gracie is doing. Love you all!