
The First Few Weeks with Emie

Going to the pool at Aunt Dre's house. Emie's first time at the pool.
Matching sister outfits. I finally found an outfit that came in both sizes!!
Gracie reading Emie a story. She loves singing and reading to her!
Watching cartoons in mommy & daddy's bed. Lazy mornings since mommy has been home.
Emie's first bath. She has started to like them a little more.


Big Sister!

Gracie is totally in love with Emie!

Emielya Marie

Monday we went to the Dr. for a follow up appt from our Thursday ultrasound. Dr. Brown wanted us back at the begining of the week b/c the ultrasound showed that Emie was already 8lb 6oz and 19 inches long. When we arrived and the nurse checked me in,my blood pressure was high and there was protein in the urine sample. She didn't like the looks of that and put a bright yellow note on my check in papers. When we got into a room and saw Dr. Brown he wasn't all that thrilled with those numbers either nor did he like the measurements from the ultrasound, showing that Emie was in the 100th percentile for size. After discussing our options we went home got our bags and checked into the hospital for a c-section.
Emielya Marie was delivered at 5:44pm, Monday, August 3. Weighing 8 lbs 9 ounces and 21 inches long. We are now recovering nicely and are scheduled to go home tomorrow.