
My ABC's

Singing my ABC's!! I've gotten much better. This was in June. :)

The Girls Rooms

We have been working on getting the girls rooms all ready for babies arrival. Gracie got her big girl room for her birthday back in March, and is loving it. We just got the babies room set up and ready a few weeks ago. So here are pics of both.

more outside fun

painting has become a favorite thing to do outside. She paints everything!! Then we play in the hose or go take a bath. This day was extremley hot so I sat up my chair and enjoyed playing in the hose as well! (yes she is wearing big girl panties, we are potty trained!!)

workin out

Gracie has watched a few too many work out videos with Aunt Dre. She has a whole leg kick/lift routine, ab crunches, and stretching too. This is the lifting weights part of the work out.

First Trip to the ER

While waiting for our cookies to bake. Gracie was playing on Daddy's back which she often does. She is our little monkey and daddy is a perfect jungle gym. She slid off of daddy's back and fell onto the marble window ledge. We heard it hit and could tell it was a bad one and it was a cry with no breathing. So I started to rub thinking it would ease the pain until I looked at my hand which then had blood on it. So after calling an ER Nurse friend and looking at it with the flashlight we headed to the ER. 1 hour and 4 staples later this was our boo boo. She did great, only cired when we had to numb it and was such a brave little girl! What a way to spend our 4th anniversary, in the ER. :)

Making Cookies

Gracie and I were making cookies for Daddy and Gracie to eat. Gracie likes to help with anything and everything these days. So I put everything in and she mixed it all up and put the cookies on the pan. I think they were the biggest cookies we've ever had. She loves to dip them in her glass of milk. Daddy's girl!!!

Summer Fun!