
To Uncle Micah and Aunt LaLa

Here is a special message for my Uncle Micah and Aunt LaLa. Everyone is welcome to listen of course but I made it just for them. I talk about you guys just about everyday. I miss you! Come see me soon!!

Tee Time

Golf is daddy's new favorite hobby. He still loves his hockey and plays 2 nights a week but now he likes to play golf with Pops, Uncle Aaron, Richard, and Uncle Micah when he is in town. He got his very own set of golf clubs for an early birthday present. Mommy and I went to the driving range with daddy the other day and I think I might like golf too. :)

Playing Soccer

Playing soccer with daddy! I finally got the kicking thing down. Still working on not using my hands. :) I love playing all kinds of sports with daddy. I just love being outside!

Playing under the pews at church.
At the parade with my friend Bekah. We liked watching all the floats and couldn't decide wether to cover our ears from the sirens or wave at the police and firemen. We had so much fun!!
Valentines Day Tea Party and playing in Mommy's shoes. I love having tea parties!!!


All Caught Up

Okay so I finally got some new pictures posted. There are about 60 of them for you to look at. These have all been taken over the last 6 months but never made it to the blog. A little update on the family. I started a new job the end of November, we moved the first week of December, Aunt Dre got married December 13 and we announced that we are pregnant with baby number 2 on New Years Eve!! December was full of excitment. I love my new job, event planning!! Weddings, coporate events, parties, etc.. Gracie will turn 2 in March, Jeremy will graduate in June and baby will arrive in August. Gracie is very excited, for as much as she understands that we will be having a baby. She loves babies and neverminds me holding other babies, she is always very gentle with them at church and I think she will do pretty well. Of course it will be different when the baby never leaves but we'll see. So I am going to try and do better updating this hopefully every couple weeks instead of months :) I thought I better mesh it all into one blog b/c I could never keep up with one for each kid. So you can check back here to see what Gracie has been up to, any news on the baby and of course pictures of both. We will fill you in on me and Jeremy every once in awhile too but really its just to see the kids! Gracie is growing like crazy, talking up a storm and absolutley loves to sing! She enojys playing outside and would probably stay outside all day if we let her. Her other favorite activity is drawing, painting, sidewalk charlk anything to draw. Our new house has a nice big back yard with a good size porch, that we are still in the process of cleaning up but thats where the hammock and her easel are and she loves going out there to play. We are close to the whole potty training deal, my goal is to have it done before baby arrives which I don't see being a problem. We will find out the gender of the baby in March/April sometime and of course pictures and the news can all be found here! I think that about catches everything up. So not too bad for 6 months of lacking. Enjoy the pics and look for more soon. Love ya'll!!