
Pig Tails 4/17

Mommy was playing dress up with her live dolly. ME! But I have to admit I do look very cute. I finally have enough hair to do something with it. I didn't think it was ever going to grow. :)


Playing Outside. 4/9

Gracie loves to be outside. Especially now that our neighbors bought her a pinwheel. They have one and as soon as we get out of the car she goes to see it. So they bought her one of her own. She loves being barefoot and running around in the grass. I will add some pictures from the pool soon.

Camping! 4/12

We went camping last weekend with a few other young families and had a great time. Here are some pictures from the weekend. Gracie is now going down the slides by herself. Miss Independent!! She had a great time. Her and Aunt Dre have similar bed head first thing in the morning. We made pancakes for breakfast. I think we may be getting some curls in the back! Yeah!!! This was her first ponytail too:) Soo cute! We were only there from Fri afternoon until Saturday afternoon but she was asleep in the car before we ever left the campground. Next time we go camping it will need to be a little bit cooler. :)

My 1st Birthday! 3/16

My 1st Birthday has come and gone and my mom is finally posting some pictures. It was a great day. I had some of my best friends over and we had so much fun. Mommy made me a princess tiara cake for my friends. We played with the parachute, all the guys had a cupcake eating contest, I loved my cake and shared some with Daddy too. Daddy decided to let mommy have some too. :) Pops made me a pony so I let Uncle Micah use my old one. My new pony is soo cool. Pops hand carved the pony and put it all together. I love to sit on it but I can't get on and off by myself yet. It was a wonderful day and fun was had by all. Can't wait to see what mommy does for next year.