
Beautiful Baby! 1/8

We saw on T.V. that Regis and Kelly were having there annual Beautiful Baby Contest so we decided to give it a shot and enter. Of course we think she is beautiful so why not? This is the picture we submitted. There are like thousands of babies that entered so the rare chance that we are in the finals we will find out the first week of February. Of course we will let you know if that's the case.

Go Buckeyes! 1/7

Even though we didn't win. We are still faithful fans. Gracie loved her Brutus Buckeye. She made her daddy proud dancing to the fight song and loving on Brutus.

My New Dress 1/6

This is my new pretty dress from Aunt Pammie. Me and Uncle A Rod matched at church that morning:) I looked so cute walking around.

Guitar Hero! 1/3

After playing Guitar Hero with Aunt B, we had to start practicing. Gracie loved to play along. She is actually pretty good, you better watch out Britt next time we will be ready to battle. :)

Happy New Year 1/1

New Years Day we all went out to dinner at the Melting Pot! Thanks to Mom & Dad who took us all out to dinner:) We had fun hanging out and cooking our dinner together. And we toasted the New Year too. Granny didn't know what was in the glass but she raised it just the same then started to take a drink. It didn't but barely touch her lips. It was a good laugh for us all.

Sorry! 1/24

Okay so I am a little behind on post. But I'm trying! I can't believe it is only the first month of the new year and I am already saying "I don't have time". I'm working on building that "Buffer Zone". Click here to learn more :) http://www.fccfm.org/sermons/ about the Buffer Zone. So slowly but surely I am adding pictures from Christmas Vacation and our New Year Celebrations and eventually I will be caught up to the present. I did at least change the page not to look like Christmas anymore. Just be patient and check back often for more on Watch Gracie Grow! Love you all!


Visitng with Family 12/26 & 12/27

While we were in Ohio & Kentucky we got to see the whole family. Here are a few pictures of us all. There is Mama & Papa with all thier Great Gandkids, last year they had 1 now they have 4. There is the whole Cox Crew, everyone was able to be there and who knows when that will happen again as all our families continue to grow. There is Granny with all her Grandkids and Great Grandkids. Riley and Gracie A.K.A. "Double Trouble". Then there is Gracie the best gift of all. Our first Christmas was awesome I know they will only get better as we go.

Airplane Ride 12/25

This was our second time getting to fly. Last time we flew Gracie was only 6 weeks old so she slept and nursed through the whole flight. Not so much the case this time. She was well behaved, don't get me wrong, but I was sure thankful that we had all three seats for her to have her own. She played peek-a-boo with G-Ma, watched the video iPod with daddy, then went to sit with Aunt Dre & Uncle A Rod, and finally fell asleep with Pops as we were getting ready to land! All in all it was a pretty good ride.

Our 1st Christmas Morning 12/25

We started all our traditions this year for Gracie's 1st Christmas! We went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church, then we came back to G-Ma and Pops house to share gifts with Aunt Dre, Uncle A Rod, Unlce Micah, and Aunt Linds. Just like I always did as a kid, went to Granny's on Christmas Eve with the whole family. Gracie got lots of clothes and some cool new toys too. Then we came home and read "The Night Before Christmas". Gracie woke up and we opened her presents from Santa. She actaully went after the present and opened it. I put it in a bag so that she could see what she was after and it worked. She loved her new Shape Sorter Spider. After playing for a little bit we read The Real Christmas Story then had some breakfast as a family. It was a perfect evening and morning. We will conintue these traditions for years to come.

Uncle Micah 12/22

We talked about Uncle Micah for months. We looked at pictures all the time and now Gracie finally got to see him. We met him at the airport and then got to spend almost 2 weeks with him. The last time we saw Uncle Micah, Gracie was only 3 weeks old. She has changed a whole lot since then. She was her usually happy, friendly self and loved on Uncle Micah a lot. Which made him very happy.